Not with a call, but with a text.


You know how I said my last post would probably hurt me more than help me?

I don’t really know what it was. But it was a text. I wasn’t even worth a phone call.

Not a break up text. Because we were never together.

But now Repo Man is out of the story.

I cried. I really wanted it to work out. But I couldn’t keep feeling the way I was. And he was planted. But I never really felt like he would go out of his way for me. He liked what we had going on. Of course he did. I couldn’t go one without some kind of blanket. We acted like we were together. Why couldn’t he just say “ok, you’re my girlfriend” and then come over and cuddle? But I think the thing that hurts most is this whole time we were texting he was on Okcupid. I kinda get why he wouldn’t commit now.

So all of what this has taught me is romance is dead.

For me at least.

There are no kisses in the rain.
There are no walks on the beach.
There are no jackets over shoulders in the cold.
There are no fireworks in the first kiss.
There are no flowers.

See You Later Space Cowboy…