Pool hustling and lumberjacks.


Last night I had the greatest pleasure of just being an adult. And by that I mean being in a adult setting, with other adults, with no kids around, having reasonable amounts of adult drinks, playing adult games and just having a good ole night out.

Me and Vamp went to …… we’ll call it Lumberjacks. Its this kinda lumberjack feel of a bar not far from where I live and I had 2, yes 2 Bacardi XXX’s. Oh I’m so bad. Or was it 3? 2 or 3 not over that.

I met Vamp there about 5 30 and we sat at the bar and talked about family and work and our kids. Showing pictures of each others kids was the best part. Its nice to have friends that you can do that with in a bar. Lol. But after about an hour (yes it took me that long) I noticed they had a pool table. I love to play but I suck. As I told him. And I won 3 to 1. To no fault of my own. He scratched on the 8 ball every time. But I would have a few good shots per game and he would joke about me pool hustling him. I wasn’t! I really suck at that game. And the cutest part was that a elder couple sat at a table near by and watched us play and joked around with us a little. They had been high school sweet hearts and had been married ….. I think they said 45 years. Its nice to know there is love out there that strong. But one of the easy shots I said “there is no way I’m going get this” and I didn’t but my other ball went in another hole clear across the table and that made all of them say I was hustling Vamp. Lol, it was so much fun.

After our lengthy pool games and our drinks were finished we headed outside because unlike my wise self who could e smoke inside the whole time, Vamp need a few cigarettes.

He’s going to take me shooting Saturday. Now now now all y’all screaming and running away just stop right now. Its true I have never shot a gun before. But I have always wanted to. So I’m going to wait and see how it goes. Lol I’m kinda scared myself.

It was nice getting out. Now I gotta be more adult and go to work. Yay………..

See You Later Space Cowboy…