So pretty…..


took the girls on a bike ride today and we went to the park, and our park is huge, with a river running along side of it. we parked our bikes and played in the river. the river is so clear and clean you can see right to the bottom. and so many shells. we collected some and we’re going to get a big jar and every time we go we’re going to collect more and fill it.

i wish i would have brought my phone. there were two huge rocks and the girls were setting on them. they looked like little mermaids. it was fun, but my legs are about ready to fall off, lol. good thing i said we’d do this only every Saturday, lol.

oh, i broke up with Beast, we had a bad morning.

my feelings are as follows;

my legs hurt

i want a shower

need to wash my hair.

why aren’t i crying?

i guess i have to round up all his stuff.

gonna miss him

why is the upstairs so hot?

i’m gonna miss that fan


see, i know he doesn’t care, but the bad thing is i don’t crushed. i’ve been after him since middle school. i was his first almost everything.


back to happy. lol

Brat came in and got a shower, now Rat is in the bath, playing with her ducks, lol. she’ll be in there forever.

I want a shower…..