Nope. Yep. Maybe?


Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands? Nope. Should.
Close your eyes and trust it, just trust it Nope. Not Really.
Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air? No, but i Really Really Want to.
Have you ever looked fear in the face and said I just don’t care? YES! Lots of times. 

It’s only half past the point of no return Really? Is it?
The tip of the iceberg, the sun before the burn Ouch.

The thunder before the lightning, and the breath before the phrase Waiting…..
Have you ever felt this way? Yes, i have.

Have you ever hated yourself for staring at the phone? OMG YES!!
Your whole life waiting on the ring to prove you’re not alone Come on and RING!
Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry? No, not really.
Have you ever invited a stranger to come inside? Yes…… didn’t end well.

It’s only half past the point of oblivion Ok….
The hourglass on the table, the walk before the run Warming up.
The breath before the kiss and the fear before the flames ………
Have you ever felt this way? Yeah, strangely i have.

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la La La LA LA
There you are, sitting in the garden I see you
Clutching my coffee, calling me sugar Aw.
You called me sugar SUGAAAAAARRRRRRRR
No no no no no no No way.

Have you ever wished for an endless night? Yep
Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight Um, No
Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself ………..
Will it ever get better than tonight? Tonight Yep and the answer is most often No.


This is what goes though my head when ever i here this song. its sad that my brain is just THAT sarcastic.

Why did it have to end that way?


I’m at work. Cutting keys for some 80 year old man. A large order. 30 keys, from 3 originals. Getting into it, not hearing anything other than the loud screech of the key cutters,

I think i hear someone say “Miss” but i know other co-workers are around.

“Excuse me, Miss!”

Annoyed because i’m only on key 13, turning around, i say “YES! Sir, how may i……” And there he is. When our eyes meet all sound stops, the key cutters seem to turn off, the service bells stop. I look at this man, Not speaking, He doesn’t speak either. He’s just standing there with a bouquets of flowers, Smiling at me,

Still smiling at me, he says “I know you’re busy, now, but i was hoping maybe later”……

And then i woke up. *Sigh* this never happened. it would be wonderful if it ever did. but it was just the dream i had last night. I’ve always wanted to meet someone at work. I always wanted that love at first sight thing.

Even a little romance. I haven’t even gotten so much as a text since 4 today. it’s now 7. lol, it wouldn’t bother me except for the fact of the last text i sent was talking about me being insecure. lol. “im insecure” and then crickets, LOL kinda funny sad to me. Maybe because i’m sad in a unfunny way? I dont know, going to change my phone case now and watch the newest Duck Dynasty. The show needs to be more than half an hour long.

Well, another day without a spank…


Hello all my little stems. hee hee i just made that up, you guys, the people that read this, cherries have stems, lol oh i crack myself up!  

Anyways i went on my date. i gave it a 3 out of 10. i’m sorry Hazard. but i didn’t feel that magical gotta have me longing  that i’ve been looking for. the lust of it. there wasn’t anything really, it kinda sucks. There was no “omg i just can’t take my eyes off you, i gotta have ya” feeling at all. We went bowling as planned, and then out to eat, then just walking around stores. it was boring. Sorry, but it was. I also got no play really. it was too stiff and just like friends in the biggest space of friend zoned hanging out together. i even did all the triggers to tell a guy to touch me, bump into him here, rub on him there. nothing. until i said hey touch me! and then i got a 2 second shoulder arm thing and a 5 second hand hold. i would have liked it to be more planned out, and so far in all my relationships i did the planning, i’m done with planning everything. it is the guys job to wow me just as much mine to wow him, not 70-30. and i didn’t even get a kiss out of it.

Oh *sigh* i haven’t felt a guy truly lusting after me since Morbius. Bad thing was, when i could have him, i didn’t want him. He had really bad breath back then. lol. But now he’s thousands of miles away and there is no chance. 

I guess i just have to wait, and waiting sucks, I need some hard sex damn it.

What am i feeling?


Can some one tell me?

I really dont know.

After Beast sounding like i was the last person in the world he wanted to even talk to even before i told him to come get his stuff i knew, we were not ever going to work out.

It really just leaves me setting just here.

I wanna cut and bleach my hair.

I want to scream.

I want some one to take a hard paddle to my ass so hard it makes me cry.

Because i think that would be the only way i would be able to cry. I dont feel sad. Maybe i had a sad thought, just a thought when i turned on my phone and saw the picture of me and him as my lock screen. I changed it. Feeling gone. Now i just feel like i really want a good beating. No sex. Just the hard hit of a paddle across me, anywhere. Just so i’d be forced to cry. I could listen to a couple of songs, maybe get a few tears out, but it’ll be hard. I’ll probably miss him tomorrow when i’m setting here, but not now. I’m so fucking sick of all of his bullshit. He didn’t even know i was mad and done today and just me talking to him pissed him off. Really?? Who the fuck does that? I was sick of him, he was most defiantly sick of me.

I dont have anyone that i can tell exactly what i’m feeling. my feelings would hurt feelings. if that makes any since.

And again my birthday is gonna suck this year.

Kink of the Week: Hoods.


Hey everyone. CC’s page had this nifty little Kink of the Week thing on it and she said it was easy to do. I think this will be a Saturday thing for us. I wanna start having different days be different things instead of me just blogging when i feel like it. Also i think i will start doing a video dare blog on……… Thursdays. So new video every Thursday of just me or me and Beast or CC doing stupid YouTube dares. So if ya have a dare ya want me to do leave a comment below. But look at me getting so off topic.

Here is my Saturday Kink of the Week.

Today’s word is HOODS! that’s right the things you wear over your heads during foreplay and/or sex. not the little flap of skin covering the clit. i know, i was confused too at first. And a bit disappointed after. Now me myself have never tried them, never wore them, so i guess i can’t knock them. i have seen alot of them though thanks to fetlife. And i must say there are some that scare the crap outta me. il_570xN.432197839_dj2jsee, that’s just kinda creepy to me. If it turns others on, more power to ya, just not my thing. Although there are some that i find cute. Pink_Bunny_Hood_02 See, a cute little bunny. Cute and sexy bdsm rolled into one. Who could beat that? Well, ok, there was probably a guy waiting behind the camera ready to beat the bunny. but hey, we know they were probably very hoppy about it. …………….. nothing? ok well moving on.

As i’ve said i have never used anything like a Hood and probably never will. most i can do is a blindfold. But that’s just alrighty fine if someone else likes them.

BTW all pictures were taken from google on count of me having to google the word to know just which Hood they were talking about.



So much, I think it must be True Love


Omg work for the last 3 days has been a blast! I’ve been rocking it with stocking today, yesterday went by super fast and day before that I was cutting keys, chains, and rope from time I got there till time I left. Even re keyed a deadbolt. It’s been pretty good. AND I got about 40 extra bucks on my check than last time. SWEET!

Oh gosh, so much has happened. Since i last blogged. Beast came over about midnight Tuesday night, We had our oh, hello, missed you. then we fought. fought Wednesday morning, but oh wed night. We flat out got our feelings out there, and after it was just love love love.

He was sweet, he laughed, he joked, he was my Jacob again. lol

A little back story. In middle school, we went out, once, talked on the phone all the time. it ended and then years later i was his first kiss. Then that ended. Now, i’m his everything. lol. well that’s how he made me feel yesterday and today anyways, lol.

But back between the first middle school and now i read the Twilight books. in the 2nd book they talked about Jacob Black. and my mental picture of Jacob Black was Beast. and i had seen recent pictures of Beast with longish shaggy hair when the books were describing Jacob Black the same way in the 3rd and 4th books. He has been my warm furry cuddly beastly werewolf ever since. We weren’t even talking or knew what the other was doing around this time. But in my mind, i wanted him, i wanted him to hold me. To cuddle me. To be my werewolf, my Beast.

Ok, now back to yesterday. Poor guy, he tries. We tried to go bowling, it was closed. Damn. lol. But there was a walmart right near by, and even though it was walmart, it was fun. HE GOT ME A BUBBA!!! i’d been wanting one since he left his here for a week. but his is huge, and manly. i wanted one a little smaller. and pink or purple. I got one about a pound lighter and pink! lol. i love it. Took it to work. It kept my drink cold. Me and Beast walked around, played with stuff, looked at movies, hunting stuff and talked. Held hands, kissed, even though he hates PDA. it was so nice! It’s been a while since we just got out and just been fun together.

BTW! Beast, putt putt, arby’s and custard. Hee, i just added that last part.

We then picked up the girls and got McDonalds. Played video games. Then the girls went to bed. then we played video games alone. DBZ 3. I beat him!!!!! once. Then he kicked my ass, again, and again, and again….. but the time i beat him was like HA! SUCK ON THAT!

After he beat my ass in video games he beast my ass in the bedroom. that is after i drove him crazy while sucking his cock while he was was trying to beat a hard level for me. lol.

I love being tied to the bed. it’s just the feeling of being under his control. Although the whole Sir thing is out right now. He said for me to call him “honey”. LOL!!! Sorry but that reminded me of P!nks’s Glitter in the air. Calling me sugar! HE CALLED ME SUGAAAARRRRRRRRRR!!!! lol.

Ok sexy gone now….. Tella ya more later.

I went to the doctor today. He was nice, first time seeing him. Said i ether have a thyroid problem or carpeltunnle.(I know spelled wrong) See, my arm went numb. my left arm, 3 fingers and half of the lower part of it. And my lips too. Just numb. It started yesterday morning at work. I Didn’t tell Beast because, well, just didn’t. But i have to take these pills and got blood taken from me. lol 3 vials. those vampires. lol. But yeah, gotta wait for test results. If thats bad, and pills dont work then surgery. YAY! Lets all hope. Oh the lips thing he said was stress. well.

I hope you liked what you read.

See You Later Space Cowboy…

PMS WEEK!!!! Or Night.


ok, so here is the deal, ya’ll let me rant on the topics of which i wish to rant and then i swear i will not complain on my next 2 blog posts. yay! lol.

ok, item 1. CC’s life. i’m gonna just throw it out there. Sorry CC, if ya want me to edit, ttm. ok, well her dom, she has to call him master, i wont cap anything because, well, i dont think that highly of him, and dom will be the best he gets called by me, ANYWAYS her dom had had another “slave” behind CC’s back. CC found out and after the lies she contacted the other “slave” well , they tell him they know bout each other, it works for all of a second, he gets bored, and drops the 2nd “slave”. well 2nd wont leave CC alone. Comments on everything, overly “helpful”. and the “help” is unwanted. she told CC to tell ALL of her fb friends all her business and then beg for help. Also offering her mom’s house with out even asking her mom. 2nd is 22, young, and extremely stupid. plus the girl needs to quit thinking she’s all that. i dont know how she got guys to do anything with her. i’ve seen her. dog face is too easy a term.


item 2. electric wheel chairs in stores. i get so sick of people who dont need to use them, using them. i hate seeing people walk in from half across the parking lot, get on one then when ever they wanna browse around just getting up and walking up and down a isle just to set back down in it and ride to the next isle then get right back up. i’m sorry but it pisses me off. where i work we have four. and i refuse to wait on anyone after i’ve seen them riding one then get up and walk around. sorry but your lazy ass can just go find it ya own damn self. we also have a woman that works same place i do that uses one every so often. from her waist up she’s maybe a small large in size, but from there down she probably wears size 40 pants. i’ve seen that bitch walk all through the store, and every so often she uses one. “because she’s just too tired” to walk from the front door to the back room. bitch if ya’d walk a little bit more, and lay off the cupcakes (she brings maybe 3 a day to work) your fat ass might lose some weight. ya thinks?


item 3. stupid fucking dollar store razors. i’ve cut my legs to hell with them, not even gonna talk bout the nana. i can’t afford the good kind, but damn, i mean come on. at least you could curve the blade a little bit more. and i get hacked up why? for one fucking day a week. so not worth it. not to me.


item 4 cuts, i have a cut on the inside of my mouth and i have no fucking clue how to help it. it rubs on my dentures all day, and hurts like hell when i move my mouth. i take my teeth out of a night but i’m not going to work like that. so it hurts, i can’t put a&e on it or anything. it sucks.


wow, his late is early to me. it’s midnight, he just showed up, and i was thinking maybe 3 if not later.


To blog or not to blog…. THAT is the question


Um, TO BLOG! Berp. lol hello hello this is the Cherries with the beastly attitude coming your from fabulous…… ok, what i live is nice, really nice but wouldn’t call it fabulous. lol. well. Just call me lady of the river because it called us back again today. went for a walk down town and we saw 3 cute little places, all closed. yeah i really live in the Mayberry kinda town where it all closes on Sunday. We got a few more shells today, and i’m keeping strong with my two times, two skips as far as skipping rocks go.


Well, as…… idk who all really reads this, but you who do, would like to know me and the Beast had a huge fight. resulted in us splitting up for like…… all of 5 hours. We screamed, cried, and just had an all in all throw down. Well he called off work and headed over here. we fought as best we could with the girls around, so our mean words were “Do you want a s’more?!?!?!?” and a answer as good as “YES! I would LOVE a s’more!!” well, after they went to bed we talked about our needs and wants. and “ground rules” he only had one, i had….a few. Alone time, like one day a week for him, and me, more likes and im’s and suches. so, i’ll give him…… Friday, then he better shower me on Saturday, lol if this doesn’t work out now, idk when it will.

Why do they all come out of the wood work when i’m taken? i had taken Beast off my facebook relationship status yesterday. and i’ve had 2 guys come after me and tell me how they’ve always regretted there not being an “us”. i have no clue why this happens. when i’m single no one wants me. when i finally get a boyfriend, everyone wants me. WTF????? Why? IDK?? lol. I guess Beast better make me a taken woman, cuz ya know, it aint official till it’s on facebook, lol.

So pretty…..


took the girls on a bike ride today and we went to the park, and our park is huge, with a river running along side of it. we parked our bikes and played in the river. the river is so clear and clean you can see right to the bottom. and so many shells. we collected some and we’re going to get a big jar and every time we go we’re going to collect more and fill it.

i wish i would have brought my phone. there were two huge rocks and the girls were setting on them. they looked like little mermaids. it was fun, but my legs are about ready to fall off, lol. good thing i said we’d do this only every Saturday, lol.

oh, i broke up with Beast, we had a bad morning.

my feelings are as follows;

my legs hurt

i want a shower

need to wash my hair.

why aren’t i crying?

i guess i have to round up all his stuff.

gonna miss him

why is the upstairs so hot?

i’m gonna miss that fan


see, i know he doesn’t care, but the bad thing is i don’t crushed. i’ve been after him since middle school. i was his first almost everything.


back to happy. lol

Brat came in and got a shower, now Rat is in the bath, playing with her ducks, lol. she’ll be in there forever.

I want a shower…..