My apologies.


Sorry about that last post. But after that whole Okcupid thing my ghetto fabulous side came out. And I had to have someone hold my poodle. Lol.

In other good news. Brat got another girl scout badge! And her Halloween costume! She’s gonna be Catarina DeMew(mow?) from Monster High. And Rat is gonna be a ballerina kitten! No clue what I’m gonna be. I got some old stuff in my closet from years past. Just throw them all together!

Oh and next month we get three paychecks instead of our usual two a month. So all of that extra money money MONEY is going in my Christmas account. It’s gonna be a marry Christmas.

Kiss of Cherries ;-*

Hahaha ooooh my gawd, bitches need to chill.


Wow, I got yet another email today. More drama for this mama.

The email said I was being talked about, AGAIN. I’m sick of people who don’t know shit.

All the stuff I’ve been saying, is sadly true. I’ve had the boyfriend, theirs not mine, the grandma, and mom, again, not mine, tell me all this stuff. So it’s not just me thinking it. If multiple people whom never really talk to each other are saying the exact same thing, then it must be them. Ya know? Cuz multiple people uninfluenced by anything other than that one person are all in it together to ruin that one person’s life.

Sorry, but quit sending me emails. I don’t read that other persons blog, simply because I don’t care what they are saying about anything really. Even without talking to them, I can pretty much guess what they do all day, every day. Not that interesting to me. At all.

So I’m gonna go, to my job. Then after that my girl scout is going to go get all her new badges put on her new vest. Busy day. Its gonna be fun!

See You Later Space Cowboy…

Pocket Frogs and Passing Out.


Yep, I have installed that ever addicting game, Pocket Frogs. I installed it this morning and I’m already a level 4. Wow. Those little things grow up quick.

I’ve been doing some thinking. I think I’m going to revise my blog. My view and likes are going strong, even without all the sub stuff. Actually, my daily views have went up since I quit posting all that stuff. Plus, I haven’t done a KotW in weeks.

I, nor has anyone I’ve ever personally know, even met or been with a true Dom/Master.

So I’m guessing a lot of people I read from or see on fet are just lucky ducks.

So I’m going to be turning my blog into a what ever blog. The name will always be BeastlyCherries2, and done you forget it! But I’m going to be editing my “what I want” and “About Me” pages to reflect just me. No over the top bdsm stuff. Also I will be taking down the page with the wiki thing about kink.

Oh oh oh and a new pretty background!

I’m not sure when these changes will be happening due to the fact of it only being 10 and I’m dozing off at my desk. Thus the passing out part.

Oh one more thing before I go.
Iz gotz cheat-ted! Me and Brat were going door to door selling her girl scouts things and we went to a house, and unbeknownst to me, a cub scout lived there. Me and the mom literally traded sales. So going around selling girl scouts stuff cheated me out of $10. Although I guess if girl scouts and cub/boy scouts just had a trade day it would make life a little easier.

BUT STILL! Meh $10 is gones fa goodz!

And it’s out of money I haven’t even gotten yet. That was a pair of goodwill jeans. Lol.

But I am extremely proud of the girl scouts, boy scouts, cub scouts, all other groups like that. The kids deserve the fun involved.

See You Later Space Cowboy…

Ha, Bitch, please!


That’s all I gotta say on that. I think it’s so funny!

Now I got that out.

I had a really nice night the other day. I went to another bonfire. And there was also a 1 day old baby chick with narcolepsy. And a mini cook out/grill type thing. I like hotdogs better grilled than boiled or microwaved. And there was also a blanket under the stars. Sitting on old snow mobiles and joking about anything that came to mind. It was a really nice night.

But still I’m not happy. The gruff is chipping away but still to much for me. Plus some other things that knock it back. But, I guess friends are nice too.

Oh my gosh! My Puff broke yesterday and I went to the tobacco store to get another one. And they were out of the part I need. And I had asked the woman there(who I’ve never really liked) if she knew if they would be getting any more there soon. And she shot back “I don’t know everything, what do I look like, a newspaper?”. Well, never going back there again. Bitch. So I had to drive two towns over to get a part. And they had a Puff flavor I never had before! Its blue raspberry. Oh la la. It tastes so good!

Oh and girl scouts is draining my wallet! Lol. I have had to pay so much on everything. But Brats grades have been all A B honor roll so I let her pick one extra curricular activity and she chose girl scouts. We are going to a princess party Friday. Part of her troop duty. Lol, and I got her a really pretty dress. She’s super excited. I guess I am too, lol.

See You Later Space Cowboy…