Ya’ know, kinda tierd of the internet neglect….


Or the neglect everywhere else. HE told me to make a tumbler. so i did. He liked everything at first. even riposted some stuff. But, now, i posted some stuff for him days ago. and nothing, not even a like.


You see, we only see each other one day a week, my phone is off for a couple of weeks, and the internet is all we have. and these little 15 minute talks we have, if i’m lucky, every day, are not cutting it for my emotional needs.


As all of you know we were like splitsville a couple days ago, and while he is in town, it’s ok, i would like to stay out of the house or out of the bedroom for that matter, a little more than we do. But he’s lazy. and i’m sorry, but i dont get enough love from him in one day to last me a week. and i know he thinks he can slack off on everything else. it’s just not working.


I check everything, facebook, twitter, tumbler, yahoo IM, instagram, and wordpress when i wake up every morning, and nothing at all from him in the 2 hours he was online this morning. the other morning he was on for a hour the same time i was and did we talk? no, i got a hi/bye going to work im right at the end of it, and this was a öh shit told her i’d send her one” last minute thought.


i am sick of this. i know he SAYS he doesn’t like online shit, but he is on EVERYTHING! if he can hare pictures on tumbler than he can take a minute to see the shit i tag him in and at least hit that stupid little like button.


Oh and lets get started on facebook. SO FUCKING SICK of him having time to comment and respond to EVERYONE ELSE BUT me, he down right ignores the shit i comment and if some one else makes a comment on there he answers them. or he shares pictures but never even looks at the pictures i post, in general or on his wall. He also had time to update his status but did i get a facebook im saying “love you” no i fucking didn’t.


and i have brought this up to him, multable times, and it’s the same old shit “i’ll work on it.” Well i have news for you buddy, we are on very thin ice, and every time i make an effort for you, and you dont even show you give a shit is taking CHUNKS out of that ice.


and my blogs, about oh 6 posts ago he liked it w both screen names he has, since then he hasn’t even read them. pisses me off so fucking bad. omg, he has to click an extra website, omg it’s so bad, omg. reading, omg you’re going to die!