To blog or not to blog…. THAT is the question


Um, TO BLOG! Berp. lol hello hello this is the Cherries with the beastly attitude coming your from fabulous…… ok, what i live is nice, really nice but wouldn’t call it fabulous. lol. well. Just call me lady of the river because it called us back again today. went for a walk down town and we saw 3 cute little places, all closed. yeah i really live in the Mayberry kinda town where it all closes on Sunday. We got a few more shells today, and i’m keeping strong with my two times, two skips as far as skipping rocks go.


Well, as…… idk who all really reads this, but you who do, would like to know me and the Beast had a huge fight. resulted in us splitting up for like…… all of 5 hours. We screamed, cried, and just had an all in all throw down. Well he called off work and headed over here. we fought as best we could with the girls around, so our mean words were “Do you want a s’more?!?!?!?” and a answer as good as “YES! I would LOVE a s’more!!” well, after they went to bed we talked about our needs and wants. and “ground rules” he only had one, i had….a few. Alone time, like one day a week for him, and me, more likes and im’s and suches. so, i’ll give him…… Friday, then he better shower me on Saturday, lol if this doesn’t work out now, idk when it will.

Why do they all come out of the wood work when i’m taken? i had taken Beast off my facebook relationship status yesterday. and i’ve had 2 guys come after me and tell me how they’ve always regretted there not being an “us”. i have no clue why this happens. when i’m single no one wants me. when i finally get a boyfriend, everyone wants me. WTF????? Why? IDK?? lol. I guess Beast better make me a taken woman, cuz ya know, it aint official till it’s on facebook, lol.

Ya’ know, kinda tierd of the internet neglect….


Or the neglect everywhere else. HE told me to make a tumbler. so i did. He liked everything at first. even riposted some stuff. But, now, i posted some stuff for him days ago. and nothing, not even a like.


You see, we only see each other one day a week, my phone is off for a couple of weeks, and the internet is all we have. and these little 15 minute talks we have, if i’m lucky, every day, are not cutting it for my emotional needs.


As all of you know we were like splitsville a couple days ago, and while he is in town, it’s ok, i would like to stay out of the house or out of the bedroom for that matter, a little more than we do. But he’s lazy. and i’m sorry, but i dont get enough love from him in one day to last me a week. and i know he thinks he can slack off on everything else. it’s just not working.


I check everything, facebook, twitter, tumbler, yahoo IM, instagram, and wordpress when i wake up every morning, and nothing at all from him in the 2 hours he was online this morning. the other morning he was on for a hour the same time i was and did we talk? no, i got a hi/bye going to work im right at the end of it, and this was a öh shit told her i’d send her one” last minute thought.


i am sick of this. i know he SAYS he doesn’t like online shit, but he is on EVERYTHING! if he can hare pictures on tumbler than he can take a minute to see the shit i tag him in and at least hit that stupid little like button.


Oh and lets get started on facebook. SO FUCKING SICK of him having time to comment and respond to EVERYONE ELSE BUT me, he down right ignores the shit i comment and if some one else makes a comment on there he answers them. or he shares pictures but never even looks at the pictures i post, in general or on his wall. He also had time to update his status but did i get a facebook im saying “love you” no i fucking didn’t.


and i have brought this up to him, multable times, and it’s the same old shit “i’ll work on it.” Well i have news for you buddy, we are on very thin ice, and every time i make an effort for you, and you dont even show you give a shit is taking CHUNKS out of that ice.


and my blogs, about oh 6 posts ago he liked it w both screen names he has, since then he hasn’t even read them. pisses me off so fucking bad. omg, he has to click an extra website, omg it’s so bad, omg. reading, omg you’re going to die!


In the name of the moon, I shall punish you!!


I don’t know if it’s because of all the sailor moon I’ve been watching or what, but I feel like there isn’t enough love around here. Or enough cute Japanese face icons on any writing space.

Beast didn’t read my blog again today. It tells me he doesn’t really give a flying flip what I think anymore. Hate to say o well, but I’m not going to stop blogging because the person I made it for stopped reading it. I’ve only had this up a month and I already have 20 followers.

Really, thanks to all the people who read, follow, and like my posts. I’ve blogged before and it took way longer to get less. Lol. Might like some more comments though, maybe some feedback? Lol.

But back to my actual life. I have my new place in almost ok order. I’ve been here almost 3 weeks and it still has boxes everywhere. I’ve seen people who’d been moved in only 2 and their house looks like they’ve lived there forever. But I’m only one person with a 8 year olds help and a 2 year old’s destruction. (Insert Japanese -_-# smiley here) see, told ya, never enough.

Me and Beast had some ups and downs. By the time he went to work I felt ok, I guess. We didn’t really have any kink time last time he was here. Sorry. Makes for a boring blog. Lol, sex sells. Well it does!

I’m in episode 140 something. So far I have seen 3 nip slips, about 8 butt cheeks, and countless boobies with just a small nipple covering. I was talking to CC and she said “I’m watching a adult show” I said, “I am too! Have you seen the tits on this show??” Lol. It’s true. I remember watching this show after school. Back then I had no fucking clue…. now all I can do is watch boobs bounce. Lol.

It sucks I can’t find episodes 160-200 in English. I hate subtitled things. With the way I am I spend more time reading than watching what’s going on.

And I know there were a lot of changes from Japanese to English. Anyone know some interesting facts about the transition?

Wow just spent all this time talking about a old tv show. I need a life, or a nap. Which ever comes first.

See You Later Space Cowboy…